Tips for Your Transfer Application
Amid reading applications and recommending scholarships for the incoming first-year class, my colleagues and I are also receiving emails with application questions, particularly from transfer applicants. Understandably so, as the deadline is coming up on February 15! If you haven’t done so already, I would remind you to attend a Transfer Information Session, which is a great way to understand what we're looking for in competitive transfer applicants. Sign up here! There are just a few sessions remaining before the deadline, so be sure to register asap!
For those of you who are unable to attend a session, I thought it might be a good idea to highlight some helpful tips:
Submit your application through The Common Application and make sure you are completing the transfer application (rather than the first-year application).
Submit ALL transcripts. We need both a high school transcript (with noted graduation date) and all official college transcripts. If you left high school without graduating, we still need an official high school transcript listing the courses you completed, as well as a copy of your GED or similar leaving certificate. If you’ve attended numerous colleges, make sure you submit ALL transcripts. This still applies even if you only took one course or a course that you don’t think will transfer. It will serve you better in our process to provide all information up front, since we will check your enrollment history.
Letters of recommendation, unless required by your major, are not necessary. We do not receive (nor do we expect) them from the majority of transfer applicants.
Make sure you are aware if your major requires additional application materials, such as short responses to prompts or an arts portfolio. Click here for a detailed overview.
If you are an international student, make sure you also submit a financial statement* and, if English is not your native language, an English language proficiency exam score. English coursework or AP/IB exam grades will not satisfy this requirement. We must receive a proficiency exam score. Click here for more information on additional requirements for international applicants.
*The financial statement will only become available after your application is submitted and processed. Once you activate your USC applicant portal, you will be able to upload your financial statement there. It is fine if your financial statement is uploaded after the deadline, but don’t wait too long to submit it. The financial statement is required prior to receiving an admission decision.
Your digital signature on our Applicant Affirmations will be needed. You’ll sign these affirmations in your applicant portal, which becomes available after your application has been processed. It’s fine if the affirmations are signed after the deadline, but don’t wait too long!
When highlighting your activities on your application, focus on your most recent involvement. Think about all things you have been involved with such as: student organizations, volunteering, research, internships, job experiences, family responsibilities, hobbies, summer programs, etc. Sending a separate resume outside of the activities list in Common App is not necessary.
If you are attending a quarter-system school, be sure to upload your winter grades and spring schedule as soon as they are finalized. We know that this will likely be after the application deadline. If you have already submitted official fall grades, you may upload unofficial winter grades via your USC applicant portal.
I’ve also received plenty of emails asking if students need to submit school reports. You will be happy to know that they are NOT required. These include teacher evaluation forms, college or school reports or grade reports. Again, the only exception would be if your major requires you to submit letters of recommendation.
Finally, we understand that this process can be confusing at times. If you have further questions, we are always happy to help. Please feel free to contact your admission counselor or refer to our USC Transfer Brochure, which will answer most, if not all, of your questions.
Good Luck & Fight On!
Written by Dylan Goodwill, Senior Assistant Director – Office of Admission
Edited by Audrey Burba, Assistant Director of Admission and Jessie Guisler, Assistant Director – Office of Admission