Tomorrow, approximately 3,500 first-year students will be notified that they have been admitted to USC. However, the majority of applicants will be notified that their application was deferred to the Regular Decision round. This can raise many questions, and we’d like to help you sort through what it all means.
Q: I wasn’t admitted during the Early Action round. Does that mean I’m not going to be admitted to USC?
A: We plan to make 60% of our offers of admission in the Regular Decision round. Many incredible students will be admitted to USC in the Regular Decision process and will receive their admission decision in late March. Not being admitted at this point is not indicative of your likelihood of admission later. Your application is still very much under consideration.
Q: Why wasn’t I admitted EA?
A: The process of selecting our first group of admits was very competitive. Over 41,000 students applied by the Early Action deadline, and we will offer admission to about 3,500. We use both quantitative and qualitative factors in our review process and there is no formula for gaining admission to USC at any point in our process.
Q: Should I send you my fall grades?
A: Yes!. Please submit your final fall grades if you or your counselor have not done so already. A mid-year transcript is the only item we will accept to continue our review of your application.
Q: Can I submit new essays, resumes or letters of recommendation for you to consider in the Regular Decision process?
A: No. In the interest of equity, we are not considering new application materials, nor will we accept revisions of previously submitted materials. The only information we need since you first applied is your mid-year transcript, if you haven’t submitted it already.
Lastly, please make sure to submit the EA Deferral Form in your applicant portal (see next question).
Q: How can I show USC I am still interested in admission?
A: In your applicant portal, you can submit the EA Deferral Form to tell us you would like to be considered in the Regular Decision round. This is the best and only way to indicate you are still interested in pursuing admission to USC.
Q: Can I send you a Letter of Continued Interest?
A: No. If you are still interested in being considered, submit the EA Deferral Form found in your portal.
Q: Was I deferred because I didn’t submit a test score (or because of my test score)? Can I change my testing plan at this point?
A: We take many things into consideration when deciding who to admit. We do not penalize students who choose to apply test-optional. Furthermore, given the nature of our holistic review, decisions are based on a combination of factors. At this stage in our review process, we cannot change your testing plan.
Q: When will I receive a final admission decision?
A: Regular Decision applicants will hear back from us by April 1st.
Q: Am I still eligible for need-based financial aid?
A: Yes. Financial aid is need-based—not merit-based—and eligibility is separate from the merit scholarship process. If you are interested in receiving need-based aid, please apply as soon as possible by submitting the FAFSA and CSS Profile, if you have not done so already. You can learn more here.
Q: Will my admission decision be impacted if I choose to apply for need-based financial aid?
A: No! USC is need-blind, meaning we do not consider financial need when making admission decisions. In fact, admission counselors do not have access to your financial aid application. We encourage all eligible students to apply for financial aid.
Q: Are there any merit scholarships available to students who aren’t admitted Early Action?
A: There aren’t any available from the Office of Admission (aside from the National Merit Scholarship noted above), but there are some still available through other USC organizations. Many have specific eligibility conditions and ask for a separate application, so be sure you are on top of those requirements and deadlines. These scholarships tend to have a smaller monetary value, but we know that every bit counts.
** Note that departments requiring a portfolio or audition had a December 1st Regular Decision deadline, and handle scholarships separately. **
Please review the list of scholarships for more information.
Q: How do I withdraw my application for admission to USC?
A: You can do this via the applicant portal.
Q: I have more questions. Who can I talk to?
A: If you have any questions, or wish to email the Office of Admission, we invite you to visit askUSC. Applicants can also call the Admission Contact Center at (213) 740-1111. And don’t forget to follow @USCAdmission on Instagram, X , YouTube, and the USC Admission Blog. We will post information and reminders, as well as answer questions, throughout the coming months.
We wish you the best of luck with the application process!
This blog was written in partnership with the Office of Undergraduate Admission.
Updated on 1/16/25 by Leslie Escobedo – Assistant Director